Build and manage better road networks
HDM-4 Training Course at TRL
A course run by Dr Greg Morosiuk and Dr Eric Stannard is being planned at TRL in Sept 2019. The course will be a practical introduction to HDM-4 Version 2 comprising formal presentations, demonstrations and exercises on all the HDM-4 functionalities.
Date: 16th – 20th September 2019
Venue: TRL, Crowthorne, Berkshire, UK.
Price: £1950 + VAT (currently at 20%) (includes daytime refreshments, lunches, a course dinner, course material, daily transfers between local hotel & TRL).
Language: English
Availability: There are a limited number of places that will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. The final timetable is under revision and will be available at a later date.
Course participants should bring a laptop computer for use during the practical sessions of the course, although computers can be made available for the duration of the course. HDM-4 Version 2 software can be installed for the duration of the course if required.
To book a place on the course, to express your interest, or for further information, email Dr Greg Morosiuk at