Build and manage better road networks
The Institute of Cement and Concrete, Chile - ICH, as a member of HDMGlobal organisation responsible for the HDM-4 (Highway Development and Management) worldwide, delivered a theoretical and practical course on the current version of HDM-4. The course was designed for users requiring better practical use of HDM-4 accompanied by theoretical knowledge of the basic concepts necessary for the use of the tools.
The course was conducted through lectures combined with practical workshops where course attendees had the opportunity to learn to use the tool and apply the knowledge covered in class.
The course was structured so that there were two levels, the first of which (Basic Level) was aimed to introduce users to the concepts of pavement management and did not assume any prior knowledge of the application.The Second (Advanced Level) was aimed at those users that had previous contact with the tool or have completed other HDM-4 courses previously.
The participants on the course are shown photographed with the course instructor, Mauricio Salgado Torres, HDMGlobal Board Member, and head of the Department of Paving at the Institute of Cement and Concrete (ICH).